Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Clock is Ticking- Love, Bailey

        The countdown is 2 weeks and 4 days until takeoff, aka the start of our mission. Codenames were given. Mine being Phoenix and Alex's being Sparrow. Still a little jealous of her, but I'll learn to deal with it. Rikki and Kailey are being joined on this mission too. They will be part of the tech support leading us through the mission and it will serve as part of their training for their personal mission. Uncle Callan has set up a simulator for Alex and I to practice on. It is comforting to know I have trusted family on the other line to help when needed.
       Alex has taught me the basics of French, so now we need not attend that class anymore. Our classes now consist of live-action role playing, makeup workshop, Krav Maga, and history lessons on the hotel, its blueprints, and the guests staying there. So much to learn in so little time. Although makeup has kind of been my thing, this kind of makeup is so much more difficult. I never use makeup to disguise myself and this new usage of it is strange for me. Alex and I are getting the hang of it though. It's very interesting to see the results. You could hardly recognize us.
       Alex and I had just finished classes and were on a break. Uncle Callan ran into us and said, "Hey girls, I know you're on break, but there are some people I'd like you to meet. Here is Clark, he is 15." Callan pointed to a tall boy with average length brown hair casually laying whatever way it wanted to. Clark had piercing gray eyes that seemed brooding and almost angry. He was carrying a folder that contained drawings and maps of the hotel. "Do you like to draw", Alex asked.
Alex was a little struck at his cold reception, "Um, cool."
Standing next to Callan was the second boy. "This here is Nick. He is 14. Both of these boys and one other have been here for 2 years. They were specially trained and have no history other than any normal life. They came to us with the idea of finding you six sisters and training you. Apparently, they knew you before any of this." This Nick kid had lightly ruffled chestnut brown hair that waved a little. His eyes were a stormy gray blue and he was built like no other. He was broad shouldered and had a narrow waist, well tanned. He was quite tall and had a mischievous glint in his eye. Not going to lie, he was woah. Holy crap he is woah, woah, woah. As I stood there dumbstruck, I realized I recognized them. I had seen them on my way into the facility a while back when I first came. When that thought came to me, Alex spoke, "Who is the third boy?"
"He is working on a mission with Rikki and Kailey. You will meet him later. His name is Luke and he is 14 also. Here's a visual.", Uncle Callan explained showing a picture. It showed a tall boy with sandy blonde hair. Really well built with a kind look. Even from a distance you could see his blue eyes standing out. Man, who is this family and how do they spawn such good-looking kids.
              Now it's time to get down to business. I turned to Nick and Clark nodding to them to let them to follow me to where the simulator was. Nick whispered something to Clark and they both laughed. "What", Alex asked.
"Nothing you need to know", Callan and Nick both said.
      So that's how it was going to be. Looks like this is going to be ~fun~ mission with 2 little moody-bums. Alex will update you on the progress we've made soon.

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