Sunday, December 27, 2015

A Mission Catastrophe - Kailey

Rikki and I walked for what seemed like forever until we came to another metal door.

"I swear if this is another test..." Rikki mumbled.

"Same." I replied with an annoyed tone in my voice. I reached forward and pushed open the door. "Let the torture commence." I started to walk through the door but stopped dead. A boy that looked to be about a year older than me sat in the command chair, staring back at me. Rikki walked into the room and stood beside me.

"Um, sorry but the icecream truck is that way." She hooked a thumb over her shoulder and nudged her head in the direction of the door. I had to stifle a giggle.

I could see why she would say that. The boy had a young look about him. His boyish facial appearance was soft, but his jaw was firm and his eyes were jet blue. His hair was sandy blonde and fanned his forehead. In all honesty, he was stunning. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I took a step toward him.

"Oh, my bad." He said in a silky voice. "I'm Luke. I was told I would be helping you two with this mission. I've been specially trained for this sort of thing." He pinned me with his deep blue gaze.

Oh shoot. I'm a goner. I swallowed and stood straighter. I would not be swayed by his stare. "Well, instead of lying around, show us what to do." I waved my hand at all the gadgets on the walls.

"Yeah, and when you're finished, you can leave." Rikki spat as she walked around the room, examining everything. She must have been frustrated. Of course she would be. She had been tested in a most frustrating area, she had been dragged halfway across the world to work as an agent, and she was only what, sixteen? She deserved a normal life. She should be a girl that could only imagine getting her driver's license, but instead, she got a trip to several foreign countries searching for her kidnapped parents. I felt like crying.

"Ok," Luke's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "These are the video screens where we will be over seeing the mission that your sisters and my brother will be embarking on. We will watch," he reached over the counter and grabbed several voice speakers. "And we will listen to the mission as they try to figure everything out that they can. We have to be very careful not to blow their cover or ours. The rest of these gadgets," he motioned to everything else on the walls. "Are for later use and you will learn how to use them later. For now, all you need to know about is the voice speakers and the video screens."

My mind felt like it was about to explode.

"Please repeat everything you just said because I may or may not have been listening." Rikki crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows expectantly. Leave it to Rikki to be sarcastic. She just wasn't used to not being in control of the situation.

"Huh," Luke sighed and turned around. "Just ask your sister. She can explain." He turned back around and looked dead at me. "You're Kailey, right?"

"Uh, yeah." I stuttered. Gosh, I was acting like a love sick puppy.

"Please explain everything to... Rikki? Right?" He looked at her questioningly.

"Yup. That's my name." She said with a scowl darkening her face.

"Perfect. I need to speak with your uncle. Please excuse me." Luke turned and walked out the door.

As soon as he was gone, I turned to Rikki. "Rikki, you need to stop. You're pressuring him and making him feel like he doesn't deserve to work here. He's on orders to be here and I get the feeling he doesn't intend to leave. Just give him a chance."

Rikki whipped around to look at me. "You're turning on me? For someone you literally just met?!" Her face was smoldering and a look of anger burned in her eyes.

"No! Rikki, that isn't what I meant!"

"Then what did you mean?" She stilled looked furious.

"I only meant that I think you should give him a chance just like you gave Keely a chance. Just try. Please?" I gave her a pleading look.

Rikki sighed and sat down in the chair. She then turned away from me. "Whatever." She grunted.

I groaned and sat down in the other chair. This was going to be a long mission, and it already felt impossible.

Wish me luck.

                            Love, Kailey

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