Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Chemical Reaction- Alex

  We raced, raced, and then raced some more, after our parents and the two wretched people behind all of this: M.O.N. and Nanny McFiggins. We raced for what felt like forever, through the rolling hills, dirt roads, and clusters of trees. I didn't know how an old witch like Nanny McFiggins could run sooo fast! Finally, my sisters and I caught something: a clue. As our parents were dragged around, unconscious, on mysterious toboggans by our two enemies, I looked down at my father's left hand. It was rough and tan from his time spent outside working, but something still wasn't tight. As I looked closer, I noticed something was missing. Two years ago, my dad was out chopping wood. Blinded by the raging storm happening all around him, he swung his hatchet, but instead of hitting the wood, he hit his hand. It was all okay by the time he had gotten it all stitched up, but the long, straight line the hatchet had cut remained as a scar. Upon the impostor of my father's left hand lay a smooth stretch of skin, as if nothing had happened.
Clearly, his wasn't our father. I skidded to a halt and tackled my sisters to the ground. Before they could ask what the heck was happening, I motioned for them to follow me in an army crawl into a small ditch.
  "That wasn't Dad," I explained to my very confused sisters,
  "Whatever or whoever M.O.N. and Nanny Mcfiggins are carrying around, it's not Dad. It's a trick!"
Before my sisters could react, and explosion had taken place merely ten yards away from us. It didn't reach us, but I could tell it would have been very bad if it had. Nanny McFiggins and M.O.N. had ran away. Our fake nanny was cackling as the latter wore a maniacal grin upon his wretched face; you could tell, even without seeing him. The explosion had caused the rocks within five feet of the middle of the dirt road to be blasted into the air, causing a bare spot along the road and, within second, a downpour of pebbles, flying down onto our heads. We ran away quickly, and I explained what I had acknowledged as we ran, how I knew the two bodies that lay lifeless on the toboggan were a coy. Pretty soon, we were back to were we were before our attempt to gain our "parents" back took place: the old cabin. We spent minute upon minute, hour upon hour, and day upon day searching for clues in those old photos. Nothing came to mind. Finally, we decided we had to leave before we ran out of provisions and supplies, and decided to go back to Aunt Alice's. Once there, we asked her the question that had burned within us ever since our quest had begun,
"Why would Nanny McFiggins and M.O.N. just take our parents away like that?" Carter questioned as we  sat upon the couch in our aunt's living room with a fresh pair of clothes and hot apple cider.
Aunt Alice raised her eyebrow a little bit.
  "I thought you girls already knew," she asked.
  "We mean in detail," Carter continued.
  "We know in general why, but not the whole story."
Aunt Alice took a deep breath, and looked us all deeply in the eyes before beginning the tale:
"18 years ago, your parent were both working at the same building as scientists. U.S.B. it was called, I believe. It stood for the "Unidentified Science Building". Wait, no, it was something else... Ah, anyways, whatever it was, it was the science headquarters for almost all important, private investigations, whether it was the CIA or the FBI coming in with things that needed to be checked out or investigated. Your parents didn't know each other then. Then they were but on the McFiggins case. Their boss led them both into the same room, told them about what they were working on. It was the most private case they had ever had. Your parents had sworn under secrecy to not talk about it. And as they worked together, well, they fell in love.
"But that was when it got dangerous. The people of the case came in an identified and pretty much unseen. The rest was a blur. I never got the details. All I know is that your dad was put in mortal danger, and your mom stepped in. She was young. But this was a risk worth taken. She saved your father. They barely got away. They married three months later. A year later, Carter was born. They stayed hidden in the country for eighteen years, as each of you was born. They wanted to keep you all safe. And they did a great job. And then that all changed. You remember that day, I'm sure you do. They were taken. And none of us know why. There were those three days when all of us, your parents' siblings, cousins, parents, aunts, uncles, began praying for some miracle. We knew Nanny McFiggins was up to no good; all she wanted was that stash of money your parents were saving, convinced to buy you girls your freedom someday, just maybe. We didn't know what could possibly be happening to you girls. And that's when the miracle did come."

  "What miracle?" asked Kailey, her eyes full of wonder.
  "You," our aunt replied with a smile.
  "You girls were the miracle. There was a problem, and you girls stood up together as sisters. You all held potential we couldn't even imagine. We all looked at you as young and unprepared to take what life gave you. But then you proved us wrong, just like your mother did when she saved you father."
She smiled at us. All was silent for that one golden moment. Before it could all soak in, Rikki stood up,
"Come on," she announced with confidence,
"Our parents are somewhere out there and we're going to get them!"
Carter stood up and nodded. We all followed. And just like that, we had bid our dear farewells to my favorite aunt and left.
"Where to?" asked Hailey as we walked down the long road to town.
"Easy," replied Rikki.
"Where was the place our parent's love grew? Where was that place where our mother took a stand? Where was that place this all began?"
Nobody answered. We all knew just where we were going.

Anyone ready to play scientist?



  1. Hey guys, have you tried taking the poll to the right yet? We would love go have your vote!
