Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The worst day yet--Kailey

Ok, lets just say it was really creepy to see all those newspapers on the wall of carter as a baby. I hated it. When me and the others woke up,we were all pretty shaken up about all of it. "This is really creepy." I said. "No,duh." Carter's face was scrunched as she looked at the pictures. "I wonder why nanny mcfiggens is in this picture?" Rikki wondered aloud. Her face was also scrunched as she examined th pictures with Carter. "Why don't you ask her?"I peeped. There standing in the door way was nanny McFiggins . "Well!" her voice hadn't changed a bit. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" "Nanny McFiggins-" carter was cut off by the seen behind nanny mcfiggens. "Don't do as she says! Listen to what your heart says!" from behind nanny mcfiggens, a man and a women sat on the ground, tied together. It was our parents! That set the trigger. Seeing our parents sitting in helplessness was the final straw. We had lost every thing. Our lives, luxury, and sometimes even each other. But our parents, they were off limits. No one was allowed to even touch them with out our permission. We charged. We fought. We struggled. But they still got away. That made us determined to find them again. We raced after nanny mcfiggens and our parents, leaving the newspapers behind, not even knowing that we would soon return. -Kailey

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