Saturday, July 7, 2012

St. 119

We sat down on the side of the street. We had gotten no where: except for the name of this secret building. The U.S.B.  Under-cover Scientist Building. But, since it's under-cover, we have no clue where it could be. As we sat down thinking, Alex's eyes lit up.
 "You guys remember the old cabin with the newspaper all over it?" Alex asked.
 "Yeah, what about it?" Bailey questioned.
 " Remember the newspaper with a building on it? What did that article say? I remember seeing something about an U.S.B."
 I could tell the Hailey's gears were working a million miles an hour. Then she said, "I remember! There was a sign by the building! It said St. 119!"
 We instantly bolted to the nearest library, and looked up the street. Sure enough, it was the old U.S.B. building. They built a new one, but this was the one where our parents fell in love.

  As we walked onto St. 119, we didn't see any building.
 "Hey guys! Look!" Carter shouted. We all ran over to her. Right by us was a log, it would seem like a regular log to some one else, but this was special. It was the same wood built out of our tree house! It was rare wood from a dangerous rain forest. Our parents did an experiment on it to make sure it always stayed the same. Same place, same look, same texture. It was that wood. I kicked it over, then we dropped.
  We landed in a dusty old lab.
 Hailey stated, "So this is the place, huh?"
 "Yep. Now let's start looking for clues." Carter said, already starting to look for clues.
  We all seperated. After a while, I finally found something. We all gasped. And at the same time we all whispered, "I found something." Then our bracelets start to glow. Kailey went first.
 "My heart mark on my bracelet is on an old babydoll." Then she looked dazed.
 Bailey then said, "My lily charm is on this pink bag zipper. EW IT'S OLD!"
 Then Hailey gasped. "I felt like I was in the stars, when I touched my little pink brain mark on this computer."
 I told them, "My lightning bolt charm is on the sword of this suit of armor guy." Then I touched it. I was suddenly taken to the middle of a battle field. Two armies charged at me from different sides. Then I let go, and it stopped.
 Alex gasped, "Guys! The piano keys are moving and no one is touching them! Wait...Is that my music charm?"
 Carter sighed. "But where is my charm?"
 Carter walked out of the room.
 "AHHHH!!!" We all ran to Carters side. On the floor right under the door was Carter's golden staff charm.
 We all started asking the same question. "What do they mean?"
 Carter was almost to tears.
 "What's wrong?" Asked Alex.
 "When I stepped on the golden staff in-print, I saw a sudden flash-back of our parents."
 Once she said this, we all touched our markings. We all became wide-eyed, and were deep in thought.
 Then I touched mine. Dad was telling me to be careful. I was climbing up a tree to save a cat.
 Kailey went first, "Mom and I were playing hide and go seek. She told me to hide."
 Bailey quickly added, "Dad was telling me to clean-up my make-up. He said, "Be fast."'
 Then Hailey said, "That's weird. Mom was telling me to "think wisely." I was taking a trivia test thing."
 It was my turn to say what happened, "Dad was telling me to "be careful." When I was climbing a tree to save a cat."
 Alex said, "Mom was comforting me by telling me that I have talents.She told me, "Use your talents."'
 Carter couldn't speak very loudly, but she said, "Mom and dad told me to "Love one another."'
  Then Hailey said, "Don't you guys get it?"
  "Yes, I think I do..." Alex whispered.
  Carter finally got it. "They are messages. HIDE, BE FAST, THINK WISELY, BE CAREFUL, USE YOUR TALENTS, AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER."
   I felt something inside my gut. All of my sisters got it too.
 "Get out of here! This place is a trap!"
 We tried yanking on the door, but it wouldn't budge.
 St.119 was a trap. But it was the right place. M.O.N. made it a trap.

                                               Instead of St.119, it is St.911.

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