Monday, March 9, 2015

What A Party -Rikki

      I had no idea what was really going on. I somehow feel like this is just one weird dream. I can't believe I am now some sort of secret agent, and going on missions. I mean, I've always dreamed of it, but not in this way. This is... way too personal, and all coming at us way too fast.


    Kailey and I went to go find Lucas. Who was he, what is his job?
  "Hey Rikki?" Kailey asked.
  "Yeah?" I said, Kailey pulling me back to reality.
  "Is that Lucas' office at the end of this hallway?"
  "Well, it says his name on it so..."
    I opened the door and took a step in, Kailey following close behind.

  "Hello Rikki, Kailey. My name is Lucas, and I will be the one giving you your alias' and what you are to do. I hope this doesn't scare you too much, and I hope this won't overwhelm you, but it's normal. Most kids that do this kind of stuff, which is very limited, get huge nerves. So don't worry."
  "Why would we be scared? C'mon, we've been through more than you can imagine." I say, maybe a little more rude than I mean to be.
  "Actually, we know what you guys went through. We have been keeping our eyes on Diana and Igpae, or McFiggins and MON. We know what they have done to you, and we were trying to do everything we could to get you out of their hands. We sent agents after you, the hair and stylist lady when you guys were fighting in the arena, Keeli, and others that you might recognize walking around here."
  Kailey and I stood there in shock. Not knowing what to say or think. This whole time, the CIA knew that Nanny McFiggins and MON were "keeping our parents", and were after us.
 "Anyways," Lucas says, "You two are going to go to one of Diana's and Marc's source plants in Moscow. They are hosting a dinner party tomorrow night, and you will sneak out of the party and place the bugs in a room in a basement. We will give each of you an ear piece, and you will be guided to the computers. Kailey, you will go in as a caterer."
 "Got it." Kailey said.
 "Rikki, you will be a guest at the party. Just make sure that Igpae and Diana don't see either of you faces. We will try to disguise you as much as possible, and make you look older."
 "Sounds fun." I respond.
 "You're going to catch a flight tomorrow, and then there will be a cab with a driver in front holding the name 'Danobi'. You are to get in the cab, and he will take you to the party. Any questions?"
 "Umm yes," Kailey said. "Where do we get our disguises?"
 "The cab driver."
 "Okay, thanks."
 "One more question," I said. "What if we get caught? How are we going to get out?"
 "The same cab will be a quarter mile away at an old diner. You will pass it on the way to the party, and he will point it out. If you get caught, we will send our best agents to get you back out. But don't worry. I am very confident in all you girls, and I know that they will be stopped."

 Later that night, Kailey and I slept in the same room, and discussed our mission.
 "Rikki? Do you really think this will work? I mean, MON and Nanny McFiggins will surely recognize us, and they will kill us. I know it."
 "I.... I know. I guess we will have to be extremely careful, and extremely brave."
 "Easy for you to say," Kailey said, hiding her face from me. "I'm always the weak one."
 "What?" I shout, astonished that she would say that she was weak. "All of us older siblings look up to you! You are so aggressive and brave even though you are so young. Most girls your age worry over breaking their nails or what new phone they should get. But you, you are fighting for the greater good of man, and none of them have ever felt and endured pain like you, or any of us. And that, Kailey, is why you are so special and amazing."
 I looked at Kailey for any sign of doubt, but she just slowly moves in and gives me a hug. I usually hate being hugged, or touched for that matter, but I also needed this. 
       And slowly, we fell asleep.


   We woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. I jumped up out of instinct, ready to fight. But in walked Lucas, along with my dad.
  Kailey got up and went to hug my dad. I smiled at him and he gave me a hug too.
  "Girls" he said. "I want you to be very, very smart. You've been a piece in their game, and now we need the tables to turn. They need to be in our game, and we need to take them out. It is crucial that this mission is a success. We will have access to all their facilities, and we will know what some of their plans are that we can stop. We need this. You girls need this."
 "Yes sir." I said, my stomach getting anxious. They need to be beat.
 I turn to Kailey, she looks ready to be victorious.

   Before we leave on our flight, us six sister sit around a table.
"Well, I feel somewhat apprehensive about being apart of the first mission," I say to my sisters.
"I am just relieved to know that we actually have a plan to take down MON and Nanny McFiggins.  We've just been taking the hits as the come, and now imagine how incredible we will be with a plan that can work." Hailey said with a little smirk on her face.
"Just don't do anything stupid," replied Carter. I could tell she was worried. Her eyes moved restlessly across the room.
"This is kinda fun! I mean, being able to do things in secret and with our parents. Yes, we can get hurt or worse, but we've made it this far, and we are the strongest group of people this world has ever seen!" Whooped Bailey.
"I agree. We've have been through years of living nightmares, and now, it's over. And imagine once they are officially defeated. We can go back to our house with our parents, and I know things will never be the same, but at least we will all be together safely and that's all that matters. We will be one big happy family." Alex smiled at the last words she said.


 Kailey and I boarded the plane. We were both dead silent. I wasn't scared of the job that was needed to be done, I was afraid that MON and nanny McFiggins would take me away from my sisters, or that Kailey would get hurt.
  I looked at Kailey as the plane took off. She gave me a short smile.
"We will be fine, don't worry! If you get into trouble, I'll be right there. Just make sure that I can always see you, no matter what. When we go put the bugs in the computers, I'll stand up and pretend that I am going to the bathroom. Got it?"
"Got it. I just don't want MON and nanny McFiggins to recognize me. Or you. And I definitely don't want them to find out where our sisters and parents our."
"They will never crack us. And if it were Carter, Alex, Hailey, or Bailey, they would never tell where we are."
"I know..."
"It's okay, let's just rest. We've got a big night ahead of us," I say while closing my eyes.
   I think to myself, what if this is all fake? What if this is one of MON's crazy plans? If it is, what do I do? And with that, I fell asleep.


  Kailey and I woke to the city lights of Moscow.

  Once the plane landed, we sped walked through the airport and found our cab. We climbed in, and quickly put on our disguises. Kailey wore are a simple black dress that she would walk around handing food and drinks in, and I wore an elegant red dress that definitely was not me at all.
"Kailey, I am going to throw up on this dress and these black heels."
"NO! They are so beautiful! You are going to look great!"
"I am going to look utterly ridiculous and awkward! I will not wear it."
"Yes you are! C'mon Rikki, it's just for this one time!"
"I know. Just don't tell another living soul that I wore this."

   We passed the old diner, and then we arrived at the party. As we were walking in, I caught a glimpse of myself in the glass door. The person staring back was definitely not me. The make-up job was excellent, and I could easily look 10 years older than I really am. Kailey definitely looked older too. I hope people really believe that she is catering.

  The inside of the hall was astonishing. It was huge. Way bigger than I imagined. And, across the room, I spotted the one and only MON, plus his lady sidekick, nanny McFiggins. I nudged Kailey in that direction, and she tensed up. Then, we split up in two separate directions, and she grabbed a platter of food and I talked to one of the guards attending the party.
"Hello, I am Ms. Danobi. And you are?" I asked in my most polite lady voice.
"General Poviwzach. Nice to meet you." The general said in a thick Russian accent, just as my watch vibrates telling me that the cameras have been turned off.
"And you. If you will excuse me, I need to go to the lady's room." I smile, slipping away.
    I make eye contact with Kailey and I head towards the door. My feet are moving as fast as possible without causing suspicions. And when I am about to exist the room I make eye contact with him. I tense, and give a small smile hoping he wouldn't notice me. He hesitates before raising his glass and nods his head in my direction. I breathe out in relief, and touch Kaileys shoulder before taking off my heels so I can move faster. We only have a 20 minute window before the cameras turn back on.
   We take the nearest stairwell and literally jump 10 steps at a time. Once we are at the bottom of the stairs and open the door, 4 guards are there checking out the cameras.
"Ey ! Chto ty zdes' delayesh' ? They yell at us in Russian, which I clearly do not understand.
"I am so sorry sirs, we do not understand Russian, and we are lost," said Kailey sweetly, giving them a flirty smile.
"Vam luchshe vernut'sya k partii prezhde..." I then punch one of them as Kailey kicks one in the leg sweeping him off his feet. As they are getting up, Kailey flips the third one to the ground, and I jump kick the fourth causing him to hit against the wall. They are definitely unconscious. But the first and second get up. And the first one alerts the other guards at the party before Kailey nails him in the head with her shoe, and I nail the other in the head with my back which holds my gun.
  After that, Lucas contacts us through our ear pieces.
"The door is at the end of that hall. It should be straight ahead. Hurry! You guys only have about 12 more minutes."
  Before he even finished, Kailey and I were sprinting towards the door. We opened it an saw six computers. I pulled six bugs out of my bag, and handed 3 to Kailey. And we started plugging them in left and right.
 "That's it!" I shouted, starting towards the door.
 "Let's go fast, I don't want to run into any more guards."
    We bolted out the door, and down the hallway was 8 more guards, and nanny McFiggins.


   "Oh crap," I mutter under my breath.
   "What do we do?"
   I ran forward, and Kailey followed behind me. Before we got to them, I pulled out my gun, and shot the lights that were above them. While they were distracted with the falling lights and sparks, Kailey and broke through them and shot out the lights along the way.
  We got to the stair door, and started leaping up the stairs.
  As we were running, Lucas' voice came on in our ear pieces.
"Did you guys shoot anyone?"
"No, I shot the roof above the guards to distract them" I said, in between deep breaths.
"Well, good job girls, we are getting the feed from the computers right this moment. But the cameras turn on in two minutes, so you better be close."
"What? Two minutes? Rikki, can we make that?" Kailey asked, nearly out of breath.
"I don't know, just keep running!"
    We then reach the top of the stairs.
"Yes!" Kailey squeals.
"Walk casually to the bathroom, and pretend like you are walking out."
  When we get in the bathroom, my watch vibrates and let's us know that the camera's are back on. We quickly fix our hair, put on our shoes, adjust or dresses and bags, and walk out of the bathroom. I give a small laugh, and Kailey joins in. We laugh all the way to the old diner.


 "Good job girls," Lucas says, as my mom, dad, and sisters walk in. We all join together in a group hug.
"Our first ever mission is complete!" Our dad says, grinning from ear to ear.
"Let's celebrate!" Shouts Carter and our mom at the same time.
"Well, don't make it a long celebration. We have another mission to complete. It's another facility that we need information from. We have assigned this one to Alex and Bailey. Don't worry girls, not on the missions are going to be two and two, but these ones need to be in order to be able to practice staying under cover. When your in a bigger group, that's hard to do. But the dream team will unite again." Lucas says, interrupting our happiness.

 And with that, we went to go spend time with each other. Talking, eating, laughing, and singing. Just like we used to.


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