Monday, August 12, 2013

The Prison-Love, Alex

This was crazy. Was Keeli really on M.O.N.'s side? Or did she just not know the dangers of this plane? A thousand thought danced through my brain a mile per second as our plane flew speedily down to the ground. We had to get out. Yes, it was risky. But so was choosing to stay on the plane. Getting out someway, somehow, that would be our safest bet. Almost in perfect sync, we all began looking for parachutes, an emergency slide, whatever. However, there was yet another problem: we were right over the Atlantic Ocean. While our doom had never seemed closer to us than before, we held on to hope. Hope that we could get out safely, hope that we would get closer to finding our abducted parents-hope that we wouldn't lose each other. Not again. Even when we had lost almost everything our normal life gave us, we still had each other. And I don't know if I can bear to lose track of my sisters again. They are best friends. They've kept me going the whole way. I don't think I'd be willing to set out on such a perilous road if it didn't mean I would get closer to finding my parent, or if I couldn't have my sisters by my side.

As we searched for parachutes, my sisters and I began to sing:

"You are my sunshine,
 my only sunshine
You make me happy, 
when days are gray
I hope you know dear
how much I love you

Oh please don't take my sunshine away"

 Maybe we didn't have all the lyrics right, and due to our fear and rush, we were probably out of tune as well. But to me, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard in a loooong time. We repeated what we knew of the song twice before Carter interjected.

"Guys, we've only got  about 30 seconds left. Tops. There's no time to lose."

So we continued singing and search, only faster. Hailey had been skimming emergency procedure pamphlets for help on the situation, but M.O.N. and his villainous assistants had covered the pages of most of them with discouraging words, like, "You'll never find them," or, "GO HOME." There was one sentence that was more troubling to us than the others: "There's no point in looking up- it's all going DOWNhill from here!"

Finally, Hailey found an unmarked pamphlet, and quickly figured out how to inflate the emergency slides that were found on both sides of the plane. She also found life jacket, and handed one out to each of us. We released each of the slides and prepared to jump down. Carter, Rikki, and Bailey lined up on the left, while Hailey, Kailey, and I prepared for our jump on the right.

"Alright guys, when I say go, go," said Carter. "And one, two, three- GO!"

We all took one last breath of air and sped down to the ocean. As I flew down, I noticed a tiny black speck int he distance. M.O.N., I thought. He must have parachuted out following his encouraging little announcement, and then hopped aboard one of his jets. It wasn't after long after I had made my assumption that I was was catapulted into the gloomy and bone-chilling water. The shock left my mind quite blank for a moment, but soon I remembered what I was doing and then kicked up to the surface for a breath of air.. The plane was going hay-wire above our heads, and it soon plummeted into the icy sea, not too far from where my sisters and I were. It's splash sent wild waves in our direction. It's a good thing it was quite small. Otherwise, the six of us might have endured much more than two-foot surges of water.

"Well," said Rikki, before pausing for another gulp of air, "What now?"

We all looked around at each other, wondering what to do. That when Kailey spotted a small island, only a hundred feet away from where we were. She gasped and nodded her head towards it, and we all began to swim in its direction. After swimming about 70 feet, Bailey stopped, and turned to face us.
"Hold on a sec," she mumbled, her eyes looking thoughtful and fearful, "What if this is a trap?"
"Bailey, we-" started Kailey, but she was soon interrupted by another voice.
"Bailey's probably right," stated Rikki.
"But Rikki, what else is there to do?!" asked Carter.
Very quickly we had found ourselves in an argument. Half of us protested against the idea of going to the island, but the other three of us defended it, pointing out that we didn't have much choice. After a minute of -ahem- friendly debate, Carter's voice rose and drowned out the rest.

"Alright!! Alright! This is not the time! Bailey, we don't really know wether or not we will be completely safe on the island, but what else is there to do? Swim to Florida? I hate to dictate, but sometimes, the big sister's gotta step up and make the final decision. We are all swimming to the island, even if that means I have to drag you there. We are freezing, and who knows what's to be found in this ocean? Now, swim."

Bailey looked a tad bit shocked, as Carter wasn't one to yell often. And, without any more debate, we swam towards the island.

After we had finally reached the small, very foresty, island, we laid down on the warm sand and took a nap. We didn't even bother to pick someone to take watch; we were THAT tired. Once we had woken up (which was, according to Rikki's watch, after about two hours), we divided up into partners to go and explore. We hadn't gotten far when Kailey and Bailey made a discovery. We gathered around to see what it was. A silver grate was under the sand, making some sort of entry-way into some sort of underground system. Whoever exited it last must have been in a rush to leave, because only about three-quarters of it was hidden under the sand. We took our chances and very carefully opened it up. A ladder  extended itself, and, going oldest-to-youngest, we all climbed down and found ourselves in a long, gray hallway. We crept along the walls until we came to a door. Feeling anxious to find some new leads, we opened it and walked into some sort of kitchen. The kitchen led to a little living room, which had two doors: each one to a bedroom. The first one had white walls and was quite plain with only small bed in the corner and a window. The second bedroom was quite the opposite. A king-sized bed was up against one wall, and a TV was against the opposite wall. It was a very nice one, I might add; however, it seemed to have received no use, and the remotes were collecting dust. The window seemed was locked shut very tightly, with a combination lock keeping anyone but the lock's owner unaware of the combination. This room had it's own bathroom, and a very spacious closet. And something was odd: the bed was unmade, he shower was still damp from having been recently used, and... why could we hear footsteps? We all hid behind the bed quickly, but it was too late. Whoever it was had already seen us. A gasp was heard and my sisters and I prepared for the worst. However, the worst didn't come at all- no, this was the greatest sight we had beheld in years!

Right in front of us stood our amazing mother.


1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who have stuck with us six sisters through the thick and thin. Us sisters have been super busy trying to find our parents and we really want everyone who reads this to just know how much we appreciate what you have all done to keep us going. Really, we wouldn't be where we are right now without you guys! Thanks again and don't forget to check daily for updates!!

