Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm Flabbergasted- Bailey

I turn my head to look at my 2 sisters wondering what MON was talking about. Hailey and Rikki are glaring at us miliciously. I felt a cold shiver run down my spine.
 "Is everyone ready? I know I am! Begin." MON said. Hailey does a front flip and lands only 2 feet away from her little sister, Kailey. First, Kailey flipped her over. Bad mistake, Hailey punches Kailey's jaw and rips it to the side almost flipping her over. Alex runs over, screaming at Hailey, she protects Kailey and helps her jaw. It looked bloody and bruised, and probably hurt pretty darn bad.Then, Hailey comes up to Alex grabs her hand and flips Alex onto her back. Sheesh, that might hurt awhile. I see Rikki also fighting my beloved sisters. I never thought I'd say this, I hate my sister. All of a sudden I feel a sudden urge to yank Hailey's hair and bite her arm. So, like any normal person, I did. Her face twisted into an ugly sight. I saw a handful of hair that I had yanked out in my hand. Hailey tried to kick me, but my feeling of hatred for this girl and the love I had for my old sister got the best of me. I fought her to the ground and brought my elbow down hard on her. Then, right when I feel victorious, I feel a conk on my skull. I turn around dizzily to find my beautiful sisters (Rikki and Hailey) gazing down on me. How did Hailey do that you ask? When I turned to see what hit me. Hailey got up somehow. Anyways, they both did a backflip off me and my body went both ways. I felt my back pop. We are all going to need a physical therapist after this. I feel blackness inclosing me. When I woke up, I find Carter her hair flapping around beautifully (she really is a gorgeous girl, in fact we are all extremely beautiful. Not to be prideful or anything). Hailey and Rikki are both on her with bloody noses and fists, just like Carter. All of a sudden I can't control my body anymore. Neither can my sisters on the ground. Carter looks our way and nods. For some reason I know what she is thinking. We all attack our 2 sisters at once and try to knock out their brainwashed selves. Carter, Alex, Kailey, and I charge our sisters. After we all do that. Hailey and Rikki come in for a hug. Then, they punch us.
"What's going on? Why aren't they making up their mind!" I yelled.
"They are stuck, we can't fully knock out the brainwash!"Carter explains over all the confusion. I turn to look at MON. His face is purple from lack of oxygen. Then... all goes black. I don't mean like passing out. I mean there are no lights on. I see a lightning bolt and then, I pass out... so does everyone else.

When I am awake I am in a giant forest. All I have are a couple of weapons. My sisters are nowhere in sight. Then, I hear MON on a giant speaker, "You are now in round 5. Only 2 people can advance to round 6. Then, in round 6 you must fight to the death again! Muwahahaaah!"That was the most pathetic, yet terrifying laugh I have ever heard."Now, you have to provide for youself, we only give you a couple of weapons, we have also scattered supplies. The person who finds these are very fortunate. Also, don't pull anything stupid. Good luck (not really), and try not to die."

Man, this guy is getting on my nerves. I start looking around to find a good hiding spot, when I hear MON again, "Also, we have taken a blood sample from all of you to find out your personality. Your weapons are related to that personality." I look at my weapons to find a 1 foot long sewing needle dagger, sizzling hot fabric, and a graveling hook. I use that graveling hook to climb a tree. Too high, eventually I find a little cave. But when I look in, I see Alex lying there. I look deeper in the cave, I see a familiar wicked grin. Rikki. Oh geez. I throw my sewing needle. Missing by an inch. So close. But I'm kinda glad I missed. I could never have the heart to kill her. I went back to Alex. I put two fingers on her neck. I felt a pulse. I let out a ragged breath.

  I can't believe we are actually going to fight to the death. This somehow reminds me of the Hunger Games, and I never want to be in that. It just scary how Rikki and Hailey are out for us. I know they are strong enough, and they arent afraid, but neither are we. But this thing that erased their memory, somehow made them stronger. This is way too dangerous going up against them.  I guess I have to go hide. This is game on.

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