Monday, December 31, 2012

Blood and Bruises... Ughhh!

"Attack." Rikki whisper-said. My mind was racing. How could we go up to Nanny McFiggins and just fight her unarmed. And what about MON?!? The whip, ninjas, shovel, wooden pole, spaghetti, wait what? Sorry, I'm really hungry. As I'm running I wonder if I'll ever come out of this jail, besides at my funeral. We're charging through the door, however right when I'm about to open the door... ninja 1 flings the door open in my face. Owww, my nose is bleeding bad and Hailey is leaning over me tipping my face back to keep the blood in. "It's all right, I'm ok. Just keep fighting. I can get up now", I moan. All of a sudden, Hailey's eyes go cross-eyed, and she falls over. Standing above is ninja 3 with nunchucks. "Hailey!", I gasped. Then, Hailey looked up and kicked him. Ninja 3 down. After that, she shut her eyes and moaned. I stood up and fought with all my might. I bit ninja 1, stuck my middle and index finger in his eyes, kicked his shins, and finally punched him with all my might because he hit me with a door. Ninja 1 is down. Nobody hits Bailey Alice Dashman with a door. In the corner of my eye I see Kailey blushing up ninja 2. Powder flies into his beady eyes. Haha, that rhymes! Finally, when he is completely blinded, Kailey slides down under him and slides right into ninja 4. He picks her up and flings her at a wall. Slowly, she gets back up with her face red from embarrassment. She walks over to ninja 2, grabs his arm while he is looking dumbfounded, and flips him over. he groans and finally gives up. Kailey wipes her hands with a big grin. Ninja 2 defeated. As I spin around to see my surroundings, I see my bruised and bloody sisters. The only ones left fighting are Alex, Rikki, Carter, ninja 4, MON, and Nanny McFiggins. Alex handed ninja 4 (Billy) a glass cup. She said that he could smash her with it in 30 seconds. Right then, Alex sang the highest note ever sang and the glass shattered in his hand! He screamed with pain and Alex, laughing, punched him so hard in the gut, I thought he might shatter like the glass. But, the pain hit Alex a split second after. She screamed with pain. Her fist was bleeding, the bones looked out of place, and it had swollen to 3 times its original size. Ninja 4 gone. Carter was going at Nanny McHideous. Right when I thought Carter was going to actually use violence she stopped and checked herself. She went up to Nanny McUgly and said "Why do you hate us so much? Deep down you are an extrememly wonderful person. MON is treating you like poop! You deserve much more than him. He only has you doing the little things. The boring things. Don't you hate all the guilt that is on your shoulders?!? If you had been the hero, and returned my parents, we probably would've payed you money for being so kind and heroic! You could have your face on the cover of a magazine all dolled up. You could be an amazing person if you just returned our parents!" Then, Nanny McNeedsAShower went up to Carter and smacked her across the face so hard with her whip that Carter was flung up against a wall. Carter's face was gushing blood from all the pressure of the whip on her face. Then, Carter got back up, wiped the blood, twisted our "so-called" Aunt's arm back, grabbed the whip, and started whipping her hand. "Auntie" screamed with pain, twisted her arm back and fled. All who was left was MON (Murderer Of the Night) and Rikki. They were punching and kicking. Finally, he was about 6 yards away, Rikki was against the wall, she started running and then did a big karate kick in the air. But, right as she did, he moved and she kicked out the window. She was holding on by the seel. MON walked over laughing. Rikki reached up and punched him. Blood was trickling down his cheek. "You're a brave girl", he hissed. He smashed her fingers and down she fell. Us girls ran to fight him, but he shoved us out of the way, and out he went. As swift as the wind. We looked out the window expecting Rikki to be splattered on the ground. But, she had caught the window seel 1 floor below us. Her foot was twisted and it looked like she had broken her left arm. She called, "Don't worry, I'm all right! Is there anything that you can pull me up with?!?" We looked around and saw what I had been sewing. An extremely long sock. Within 1 minute we had her pulled up. We knew our parents had to be around here, so we started looking. As we reached the top level we heard screaming. Us 6 girls ran to the door and yanked it with all our might. Tied up were our beautiful yet dirty parents tied to a chair, handcuffed to a pipe, and had duck-tape over their mouths. "Mommy, Daddy," we all screamed in unison. All us girls were crying and helping our parents get free. As soon as we finished we left that dang building. But, when we walked out everything was pitch black. I don't mean night-time black. I mean black-black. The whole building and everything was a fake. The second we walked out I heard multiple movements. Then, all six of us were tied up and taken away.


"You guys," I squeked.
"Shutup you!", said a deep voice. Sweet niblets, its MON and Nanny McWhatsHerFace.
I think were going to be here a long time. I hope our parents find us faster than we found them.

                                               Your Kidnapped Friend,

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