Sunday, November 25, 2012

This Is It

   "Guys, this is too complicated," Hailey said. "This is no math equation."
   "It's simple: Trust her or not." I stated.
   "But we can't just throw her out in the street!" Alex replied.
   "But we can't let her lead us into a trap," Carter said.
   "True," Bailey responded while sowing a dress.
   "But she almost has my name! We can trust her!" Kailey snapped.
   "It's just not right, how does she have all of these so called 'connections'? And she would find a place to stay because of all these connections!" I responded.
    It was late at night, we were all settled in our hotel room. Keeli walked out of the bathroom. We all acted like nothing had happened. Then Keeli made me mad.
 She said, "So I think that I should leave in the middle of the night, track down MON and find out where your parents are, and then I'll trap him and nanny mcfiggins. After I do that, I will come and tell you where your parents are, and we can go and get them!" I instantly became red, and my sisters weren't happy either.
  Alex said, "But it's our job to..." I cut her off.
  "No. We have made it this far, and plus why do you care? This is our family, I want to find my parents with my sisters. I want our parents to be proud of us. We deserve it. And how do we know that you are'nt working for MON? HOW DID YOU KNOW RIGHT WHERE TO FIND US? HOW DO YOU HAVE ALL THESE CONNECTIONS, UNLESS YOUR WORKING FOR MON?!" I shouted. All my sisters looked at me in shock, almost disappionted as if I was a monster to go at some girl like that.
  I looked at all their faces, even Keeli's. She looked down. I wanted to scream. I walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I pressed my ear against the door.
  Carter whispered, " Keeli, I'm so sorr..." Keeli cut her short.
  "No, I understand. I have all these connections because I do work for MON. He was offering me money. My family is poor, so I took the offer. But I never knew he was going to hurt you guys."
 "We know some jobs we can offer you. You would make a great fashion designer." Bailee stated. Bailee handed Keeli something. Probably a magazine. Keeli gasped. "A kid-designer offer in New York? That's where my family lives! I need to catch the first flight outta here!" I heard them all jumping around. I slowly walked away. Why couldn't I ever learn how to be nice like that and make people like me? I always let my anger over-come me, like I'm the hulk. Except for the green-muscly-giant part.
  I decided that I should start finding MON, and give him a piece of my mind. My sisters could come and follow if they wanted to, but I'm not hiding any longer.
 My sisters came out and found me 2 miles out. Apparently Keeli was heading to the airport.
 I told them about what I thought. They agreed, but were a little un-sure.
  After 3 days of walking, we came upon an old jail. In one of the windows we saw a outline of nanny mcfiggins.
 "This is it." I whispered.
 "We need a plan," Carter shouted as I ran ahead.
 "I already have one," I called. "Attack."


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