Monday, October 15, 2012

Tally-ho!- Alex

Before I let you know what happens next, I am going to fill you in on what happened before we got together.

As you probably already know, Carter, Hailey, Kailey, and I put our trust in Keeli and followed her for miles and miles with the hope she could take us to Bailey and Rikki. It had been days of traveling, but it felt like weeks, even months. Finally, we came to our destination. It was a ginormous, stony castle that must have been hundreds of years old.
"Wow," Hailey breathed, "It's absolutely... gorgeous. In a mysterious way."
She was right. It was crumbling and grey, but beautiful with it's large stone arch and the sun just peaking above the top, which told us it had to be early in the morning. We stood there for a moment, just absorbing the sight that lay before us.
"Wait," Carter spoke, interrupting our still silence, "Where are we?"
Keeli turned to face us.
"Carter, Alex, Hailey, and Kailey, I would like to invite you to the lovely countryside of England.
We all stood froze, our mouths gaping open in awe. It was pretty crazy to believe that we had tradeed all the way to England, but in a way it also made sense: the long subway, bus, and taxi rides that took us to the airport, where we flew for hours upon hours, and the landing in a place where for some reason everyone had British accents and drove on the left side of the road... I silently laughed at myself. How could we not know? I guess we were so caught up in thought about wether we could trust Keeli or not and when we'd get to unite with Bailey and Rikki.
"Now, if you'll just follow me." Keeli said as she walked to towards the castle. We followed her, anxious about what would next take place for about hundred yards. Once we arrived at the foot of the castle, Keeli halted and looked at us with a troubled look.
"Look, I don't know how safe this is. Are you sure you want to do this? The last thing I want is you guys getting hurt."
Kailee, young and petite Kailee, who had been so quiet the whole trip, snorted.
"We've made it this far and you really think you can stop us from getting to our sisters?" She asked Keeli.
"You mean, you guys would really risk your safety for your sisters?"
Carter gave her a very odd and shocked look and replied to Keeli,
"Of course! We're family! We've been risking our safety for about a year searching for our parents, and we're not separating. We're doing this together. We love each other. We are each other's best friends."
Keeli just thought for a moment before looking up at us all with tears in her eyes.
"Well, what are we waiting for?"

We got into the castle easily. In fact, too easily. Keeli led us up steep, spiral staircase, down long, sun-lit corridors, and across chilly, spacious rooms. Finally, we all filed into a small closet. It was quite cold, and goose bumps prickled across our skin as we waited in silence. Many long minutes later, Bailey entered through the door. For the second time that morning, we were dumbfounded. How did Keeli know Bailey would com into this very closet amongst the many scattered across the very expansive building? We only wondered for a moment before we all hugged Bailey tight- even Keeli. We were just so happy to be with her. However, there was still something wrong: Rikki wasn't here. Where was she? As you probably already read in Kailee's post, we clambered up the staircase and it wasn't long before we were once again trapped between M.O.N. and Nanny Mcfiggins. Us Six Sisters had beat made it past the two before, and us seven did it even faster. Soon we were racing with all our might away from them, for we knew it couldn't take long for them to catch up. We all hid into a ditch, and, thanks to some pure luck, they charged on past us. We waited forever and then walked back to a main road where we caught a ride to a cheap hotel. How we'll pay for it, I don't know. Keeli says we needn't worry, though. She says she's got a few connections that could spare the bill. I hope she's right. She's still with us, helping us out. I think she wants to stay and assist us in our search for our parents. I think she can be a great help, but I don't know much about her. How has she got these "connections"? How'd we get out of the U.S. without passports? How did she know where Bailey and Rikki were? Why does she want to help us? I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

-Alex :)

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