Monday, February 16, 2015

Our Secret Mission. Love, Kailey

You've heard the story from Bailey and Alex, but I wanted to tell you mine.

When Rikki and I walked into the room that Keeli was in, I was ready to fight. But I didn't have to. The guards untied her and walked her out. When they came back, Rikki and I were put in another cell, and we soon fell asleep...


About five hours later, I woke up. I looked to the right and left, but Rikki wasn't by me. In fact, I couldn't find her at all. Then I realized I wasn't even in my cell anymore. I was in what looked like a tent and a nice looking lady was washing my clothes. I sat up and looked around.

The tent had a nice smell to it. It smelled almost like home. The nice lady turned and saw me. "Oh! You're awake child." She smiled at me and helped me stand. Then she grabbed a soft white robe and slipped it around my shoulders. My eyelids fluttered, but she shook me and told me I couldn't fall asleep yet. "My name is Agatha," She said with a smile. "I'm going to dress you up good! Your'e family won't know who ya' are!" She took my hand and led me over to the closet. I grabbed a pink t-shirt and some denim jeans. Then I noticed the vanity.

"Oh!" I gasped and I nearly leaped into the chair. After about ten minutes, I had finished applying lipstick, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. I looked in the mirror and admired my makeup job. I still had the magic touch! Then I went over to the full sized mirror and examined my body. I had changed almost entirely. My slightly plump waistline had become almost stick-like and my round cheeks had a dent in them. My arms were rough and contained a lot more muscle and dry skin than I was used to. My hair was pulled back into a pony tail and was slightly curled. Pearl studs decorated my ears.

I turned to look at Agatha. "I'm ready to see my family." I said. She smiled and led me through the curtain door.


The guards took my hand and Rikki's. We were supposed to be going on a mission to "botch Nanny Mcfiggin's plans." (Her name is actually Diana) Rikki and I followed the guards down a long staircase.

"What do you think our mission is?" Rikki whispered to me.

"I don't know, maybe we'll have to kick someone in the face," I kicked my leg. "Or punch someone in the stomach." I punched the air in front of me.

Rikki giggled. "How about you try not to take out the guards that are going to tell us first!"

I laughed. It felt good to laugh with my sister again.

We reached the end of the staircase and the guards led us into a room. "Please sit down girls." One guard gestured to the chairs. We sat. "My name is Jackson and I will help you with your debriefing," He said with a small mischievous smile. "You will be completely destroying the foundation of Diana's plan using weapons and stealth. Think you can manage?" He brought out a map of the entire building. "Here," He said, pointing to a dot on the map. "You both will sneak over there and a man will be waiting for you. His name is Lucas. He will start you on your mission. Here you go." He handed me and Rikki some pistols and small metallic contraptions shaped in a domed circle. "I trust that you both know how to use a gun?"

"Sort of." We both said.

"Good enough," He sighed. " Only use the pistols when absolutely necessary, and the small round things are called bugs. You will both put one on the computers that are running the whole operation. One each. No more, no less. Understood?" He put the map away. Then he gave us a few more things like some rope and several extra bullets.

"Well that was short." Rikki whispered to me.

"You both need to be very careful. If you are caught, the whole plan will be completely ruined." The guard said. "Also, if you need anything, remember to use your bracelets." He pointed to the metal chains of precious antidote on our wrists. "They're there for a reason."

With that final piece of advice jumping around in our minds, he sent us off without another word.

We're off to find Lucas. Wish us luck!!!

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