Monday, February 16, 2015

A New Chapter- Love, Bailey

 The last memory before I fell asleep was 2 guards dragging me to my cell. They both looked at me and told me I was going to be okay. As confused as I was, I went right to sleep. I would take all the rest time I could. I woke up who knows how long later, to the sounds of my guards unlocking my cell door. "Hi Bailey-Alice, I'm Chinko and this is Rodney. You're safe now." I gasped. I didn't understand... where was I? More importantly, where was my family?
"Bailey, we're going to take you to Pedra. She'll clean you up and get you ready for your debriefing", Rodney said calmly. Thousands of questions filtered through my mind. How safe was I really?
 Pedra was a very rotund, kind-looking woman. Her assistants also seemed trustworthy. They washed me clean of a year's worth of dirt and grime. the hot water felt fantastic on my dry skin. As soon as it was over, I reluctantly got out. "Ok's honey, I's abou' to show you's a mighty fine closet of yo' new clothes," Pedra whispered. I didn't even hesitate as she led me to a white door. In slow motion, Pedra opened the door. I promise you I almost passed out. For my first outfit, I chose a deep purple (oh-so-soft) sweater, light wash skinny jeans, and some slightly beat up converse. Oh my gosh, I realized, these are my old clothes!!! I pulled the sleeve to my face and inhaled the scent of my old house.
"C'mon girly, let's hurry on now. You have people waiting". Before I left, Pedra told me she wanted me to look at myself. To see how I'd changed. I walked to the full length mirror, not prepared for what I saw.
 My hair had lighted about 2 shades from all the sun. My muscle amount had increased greatly. My skin had darkened to a nice tan. Then I took a good look at my face. Ugh, I sported dark circles, 2 bruises, and a couple of cuts. Yay, I love looking like a criminal. Luckily, my hair hadn't lost its waviness. The super long tresses had been cut by Pedra and they now reached my mid-back. I couldn't help but be excited to see my sisters after they had been groomed.
 My 2 guards led me to a tall oak door. before we walked in, 3 boys that looked about Hailey, Kailey, and I's age walked past. They were absolutely filthy and looked exhausted. Changing my mindset, I thought about my family behind those doors. Taking a deep breath, I walked in. There sat all my sisters except Alex, and my parents. I ran into their gentle embrace. We all turned as we heard the door creak open and saw Alex walk through. She joined our family group hug. We sat like that for about 10 minutes until finally, Carter spoke up and asked, "Why exactly do Nanny McFiggins and MON hate you?"
"Are you sure your ready," Mom asked.
"Yes," we all answered in unison.
 Here's the story...
             The CIA called in Sara Clarence and Tim Dachmen, 2 professional scientists. Someone had stolen a lethal weapon called the Gemminizer. The weapon has a pointed needle at the front and when you put the needle in someone, it injects the deadliest of germs. These people were using it to kill off world leaders. Sara and Tim were being used to create a duplicate. However, while they were working they managed to do the opposite. They created a way to have the needle drain you of  germs. It won't work if you're already dead, though. As they created that, they secretly progressed with another discovery. This weapon could drain all infection and basically make you indestructable. There was a leak in the CIA and somehow rival scientists found out. Out of all of them, only 2 pursued the weapon. Nanny McFiggins and MON. Or as everyone else knows them, Diana and Marc. At the time, our parents did not know it was them. They received phone calls with strange voices, telling them to give them the weapon. After threats arrived, Sara and Tim ran away. They had fallen in love over the last year and decided to get married after getting to safety. 1 year later, Carter was born. Every year a new child was created. When my parents had left, they took the liquid weapon with them. For every girls eighth birthday, Sara and Tim manufactured a bracelet with one charm to match that girls personality. Inside the charms, Sara and Tim placed part of the weapon until none was left. Nanny McFiggins and MON took Tim and Sara and tried to make them give them the recipe. Sara and Tim refused. During that time is when their loyal children came for them. Now that they have, MON and Nanny McFiggins are going to try to extract the liquid from old experiments and duplicate it.
      Wowwww. This is why the whole thing started... My whole life was pretty much destroyed because of that. Just then, 5 men came in and told us it was time for a debriefing. He asked Kailey and Rikki to come with him. Then he would tell them their mission. Rikki and Kailey were escorted out.  "What's this about a mission," asked Alex.
"Because you know so much about your parents captors, you girls will go undercover on missions to botch their plans. You all will get alias's and disguises. We will debrief you on your job and then send you off," replied one of the officers
        Now it's time to start a new chapter. A new beginning. Meet new people, meet some old friends also. All I know is, times are changing. Finally, for the better.

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