Sunday, January 18, 2015

Uh-oh Again- Love, Bailey

 I looked on in horror as I watched my two beloved sisters be dragged away from me. Rikki gave it her best shot to get away, but the pain of her ankle gave her a disadvantage. Kailey has never looked so fierce, trying to get away from MON. The war going on in my parents heads must have been so hard to endure. They wanted to try to save their two children, but also knew it was useless. The months of sheer agony had worn them away. 11,5,5,12,9'19    2,5,5,14    19,8,15,20.
  My scalp was stinging and I could feel the warm blood on my face and back. What a sight I must've made. I wonder how long it would take to grow back that patch... would doing a deeper part going to the other side help?
 At the moment, that was the least of my concerns. The rest of us that were left, ripped the comforter to make bandages for the wounded. The feel of my mother's warm, soft, and gentle hands taking care of me made memories rush back from our past life.

     I sat in the window of our luxurious treehouse. My mom was back in the actual house making dinner. The sweet smell of baby-back ribs and mashed potatoes wafted in to the high treetop play area. I got lost in my own adventures and started to pretend to be falling out the window. Alex was trying to catch me every time. But once, she didn't. I fell through the thick branches and landed hard on my side. All I heard was Alex's screaming and the frantic voice of my dear mother. When I woke up, I could feel the warm pressure of my mother's hand on my hand. Her soft eyes looked down on mine with love and concern filled in their depths. In that moment, I truly knew how much I loved my mother.

  I shook myself back to reality and continued on the task at hand. As I strained my ears for so much as a squeak from Rikki and Kailey, I shivered. For I heard the voice of my much despised nemesis, Nanny McFiggins. She was currently screaming orders to MON on what to do with the rest of us. Then, there was an eery silence.

 Suddenly, a loud bang shook the entire house, followed by a strangely feminine scream. However, the scream did not sound like those of my sisters. But of an old friend.

                                            The scream was from Keeli.

 Where had my "twin" come from? The last we had seen each other was when she helped us get away on the plane. From what I deducted from the scream, it sounded like she was hurt. So clearly, she is NOT on MON's side. Had he finally found her after she helped us escape the prison?

   A little backround on her in case you forgot: Keeli was a lost girl who was had good intentions. She just got mixed up with bad people and was sent to us by Nanny McFiggins to pretend to be
me. In the end, she proved to be very helpful. Bringing us all together and getting us away from the real bad guys.

 The scream was a haunting and piercing scream. I got the chills just hearing it. My friend (I now consider her a friend), was in trouble. So were my sisters and my parents.

                                                What were we going to do?


P.S.- highlight in between the top paragraph and the second paragraph. Then, use the A1Z26 code to figure out what it means.

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