Sunday, January 25, 2015

Keeli is lost! Love Kailey

The door to the cell locked and I already felt gone. I couldn't bare to think what would happen to us. The cell was dark and cold. (Aren't they usually?) I stood up and began to look around. I could barely make out a few things, but I could see a bench and a few chairs and--- oh no, I thought. Was that a--- skeleton?! I raced back to Rikki and practically sat on her lap. "Rikki, I think a few people stayed here longer than they wished." I said. I pointed to the general area of the skeleton. Rikki shuddered and wrapped her arms around me.

"I hope we don't stay THAT long." She said. I snuggled up against her and closed my eyes. I fell asleep to the rhythm of her breathing...

I awoke with a start as Rikki jumped to her feet. Still under the daze of sleep, my senses were dulled, but I could still tell that we were surrounded by guards. "What-what is going on?" I said with a yawn. Rikki placed her hand under my elbow and helped me to my feet.

"They are taking us somewhere..." Rikki whispered in my ear. We followed the guards out the door and down the hall. When we reached the end of the hall, we came to a nice looking door made of pine wood. The guards opened the door and Rikki stepped through. I hesitated. "Aren't you coming?" She said, looking just as nervous as I felt.

"Yeah I guess." I stepped through the door and gasped. Directly in front of me was a girl sitting in a chair. The girl's hair hung around her face like a curtain so I couldn't see who she was. Her arms were bruised and beaten and her legs were twisted at odd angles. Her body shook slightly, which showed me that she was crying. She looked like she was in pain.

I slowly walked past her and lightly toughed the top of her battered head. The girl lifted her face to look at me, and I stopped dead.

It was Keeli, but she didn't look like Keeli.

Sent with love,


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