Sunday, April 28, 2013

Little White Rocks -Rikki

 Carter had brought me back. Back to reality, and back to loving me sisters that Hailey and I had trampled on. Hailey... We weren't done yet. Hailey still was under a spell that was nearly impossible to be broken. All we had to do was bring her back the way Carter brought me back. Not that simple, as you can see, she also would not go down without a fight.

 I strolled up to her casually, like I was still under MON's crazy spell or something.
Hailey said, "Come on, Rikki. Let's finish them." I smiled a fake, wicked smile. I pretended to attack Alex right when Hailey lunged for Kailey. At that moment. I grabbed Hailey by the shirt, and yanked her off Kailey. She slammed into the wall. Hailey looked at me and snickered.
 "Wow. Just wow. I guess you'll be joining them underground." She slowly stood up, and tackled me. We went rolling, almost out of the cave until the rest of our sisters tore us apart. Hailey then kicked me right on my left cheek.
 "Ouch, that hurt." I exclaimed, rubbing the side of my face. It felt numb. Suddenly, I felt a punch in my stomach. I doubled over.
 Hailey laughed. "Face it Rikki. You are so going to die."
 I laughed through grunts.
 "What are you laughing at? Hmm? Are you picturing how I'm going to kill you all in your head?" Hailey questioned with demand.
 "No," I answered. "I'm laughing at you." I then punched her jaw on the right side. She fell down, ready to set up defense.
 Before she could stand up, I jumped on her and pinned her to the ground. My sisters surrounded Hailey and I.
 "Listen Hailey, you have to stop. Mom and dad are counting on us, and we need to get out of here. We love you, and your smarts, and your witty personality. Think of mom and dad." I know I sounded cheesy, and Hailey even squirmed a little, but she stayed.
 I slowly stood up. I was in line with my other sisters now. We all looked down on Hailey. Something flashed in her eyes. I knew she saw what I saw in Carter. Mom and dad.
 We helped Hailey up, and she sat there, wide-eyed. Apologizing a million times. And we kept on reassuring her.

 This was all too weird. We had no idea what was going to happen, and how we would get out.

 We needed to find a way out of the cave. Carter was pacing, Alex was singing, I was keeping look out for anything unusual , Hailey was out looking for food, Bailey was sewing dresses, and Kailey was studying the cave, and how long it was.

 As Bailey dropped the needle, we heard a call, "GUYS! COME HERE!" It was Hailey.
 We sprinted from the cave, and came upon her studying something close to a pile of weirdly arranged rocks. It was an engraving on a piece of wood.
"I was going to use this wood as a dagger to get that squirrel over there, but I saw these words. It says:

                                         "6 flames, 6 stars, and 6 hearts
                                                    The time is at hand
                                                  Take the tower apart
                                            Of white bricks in the sand
                                          There you will see a ..."

    Then it was cut off. You couldn't see the rest, if there was any. We would have to figure it out our selves. But, what tower? What bricks? I barely had time to think when Carter called out to us.
 "Guys look! I saw these white rocks when I was fighting Rikki! I thought they looked a little bit unusual."
 Hailey thought out loud saying, "These must be the white bricks in the sand!"
 "Then we can figure out what the last few lines are supposed to be!" Kailey yelped.
"And you know what guys?" Alex asked. "This is moms handwriting!"

 We slowly started taking off the rocks. We all shook with excitement. We were finally finding clues.
 Bailey squealed, "Maybe it will lead us to more clues about mom and dad!"

  We finally got to the bottom, and there was one more rock. The smallest white rock out of the rest, and it had mom and dads initials on it. Underneath the white rock was our next clue.

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