Sunday, January 27, 2013

Challenge 3, NO WAY. -Rikki

   The roar of the crowd made me wanna scream and cover my ears, but yet, it gave me a different kind of power. It felt like I could take down MON in a split-second. All of us sisters looked up at the crowd, no smiles, just this very brave look that I love to use very often, and it works on all of us.

  Our mission to find our parents became weirder and so much more different then I expected. Monsters: where the heck had they came from? I thought they weren't real. I guess I was wrong.

  So anyways, we went back down with the lady. She upgraded our costume things. Our costume things are gray, black, and orange. They are long sleeves and they cover our feet, so they are kind of cool.  But she looked at us fearful eyes, and said to us in a very stilled and serious voice, "Your parents saved me from nanny McFiggins when I was young. She took me to work for her. And here I am again working for Nanny Mcfiggins. Good luck."

  We got in a tube, and it took us up to the top of the field slowly. I got the shivers when the crowd roared to life again, but yet again, it gave me the same sort of power. We gave the crowd a brave look, and we looked at each other right when MON spoke.
  "Challenge 3 will begin shortly!"
  "What is it??" Hailey called to him to him trying to speak over the crowd.
  "Patience girl!" He yelled. I raised my fist ready to fight him. My sisters all did the same thing.
 MON only chuckled.
 "Challenge 3 is where you have make it all the way to that bell at the end of the stadium before the monsters do. But... There will be many dangerous things along the way." He gave a very wicked smile that inched towards his eyes.
  "Everyone ready?? Girls?"
  "No." Bailey said firmly.
 "Ready, Set, GO!" MON screamed out the words with excitment bubbling in his throat.

  We raced for the bell, and we were going the same speed as the monsters. We knew what to do. We quickly fell into formation. I was in the front, then it went, Kailey, Hailey, Carter, Bailey, then Alex to protect the wounded that fell behind. So far, there was no obsticles, but we had to be safe. I let the monsters get a little bit ahead to see when the obsticles started. And in a moment, a big bottomless pit came into view and the first monster fell. There were monkey-bars that were like seriously 10 feet apart. I climbed to the top, and grabbed Kailey, throwing her to the other side. Hailey went on, measuring her jumps as she went. She swung and twisted making sure not to break an arm. Carter wrapped her arms around Bailey and they also went swinging, but almost slipped. Luckily Bailey jumped off Carter and grabbed a bar, then grabbing Carter again. Alex didn't swing though. She climbed to the top, and ran along the bars. She was extremely careful not to slip. I swung back and forth gathering enough force to swing me across. I took a chance and let go flipping in the air. Once we all landed, the crowd went into a cheering fit. It was insane.

 We went back into formation. We ran faster now, knowing that we could do anything.

 Hailey shouted, "Guys? Did you here that click??!"
 We turned just in time to see a bunch of missles heading straight towards us, form both sides. We ran and dodged, but they kept on following us.
 "We have to destroy them!" I called to my sisters.
 "How? Are we supposed to catch them?" Carter asked sarcastically.
 Then we heard MONs voice. "You have to ride them until you get to thoses bands hanging down from the ceiling. When you get to the bands, grab on."

 We all looked at each other confused. But we had to do as he said. I had no idea how, and how would we not die.
 "GO!" I called trying to jump on one, but epically missed. I fell flat on my face. I turned to see my sisters also in a pretzel on the ground. Wait, aren't the missles supposed to follow us?
 "AHHHHHH!" We all screamed as the missles zoomed towards us. I stayed on the ground waiting for my missle to get closer so I could jump on it.
 I pushed of the ground doing an ariel, and suprisingly, I was on the missle going so fast, I was going to pass out.
 I quickly regained my thoughts, and zoomed by my amazed sisters. They did the same though.  Bailey jumped up and grabbed it with her hands, flipping her self on to the missle. Alex backhand springed over the missle missing it, then she flew forward hanging onto it by a thread and pulled herself onto the missle hanging upside down. Kailey ran to the side of the stadium. I had no idea what she was doing. She ran up the wall and did a backflip off onto the missle. Carter stood there, waiting for the missle to get extremely close. She then jumped, doing a front ariel, landing right on the missle. Hailey was last. She didn't wait for her missle to come. She ran towards it. She jumped out and grabbed, swinging around it, not being able to gain control. She flung into the air, doing many flips and twists. She then landed on the missle looking very dizzy, and pleased.

  I approached the strings hanging from the ceiling. I did what MON said and jumped off right before the missle hit the wall. I grabbed the band, and all of a sudden, I was flung to the ceiling. I was flying in a very ugly manor, and I had no idea how I was going to land.  But somehow, I reached and found a bar. I gripped it, nearly ripping my arms off. It was pitch black in this area, but I could see a small glint. It was the bell.

 I was instantly pulled back to getting that bell. I ran towards the bell, but then my sisters came up. '
  "Look! There's the bell!" Kailey shouted.
  The monster looked at her. He picked her up and threw her down to the floor that we were on before.  We never saw her once she dropped.
  "NO!" The rest of us shouted.
  Hew grabbed Alex.
 "STOP!" She sceamed, right before he threw her down too.
 "Hey!" I yelled, I then kicked him in the back of the head. My sisters also started to kick him and punch him. I motioned to Hailey to get the bell. She slowly walked away while the monster was distracted, and grabbed the bell.
 MON's voice was heard again. "Congratulations! You passed challenge 3! If you thought that one was hard, wait 'till you see the rest! If you make it that far."
 The monster looked at us in a very freaky way. He grabbed Bailey and Carter and threw them over, and without hesitation, he grabbed Hailey and I and threw us over too.

  The fall seemed to wierd. I looked at Hailey than at the ground. Wait, hold up. Why weren't the rest of my sisters on the ground? Hailey seemed to notice this too. Then out of nowhere. We were on our feet in the middle of the stadium. Woah. That was wierd.

 All of us sisters were in the middle of the field, staring at the roaring crowd. Our faces looked like we were tired. No, we were exhausted. I can't believe that we still had more challenges. We looked seriously beat up. Kailey had a long cut from her ankle to her knee. Bailey had a big bruise from the bottom of her elbow to her neck. Hailey had blood coming from her ears and blood dripping from the top of her head to the bottom of her hair. Alex had a dozen major cuts all over her stomach. I could see because her costume thing was ripped. Carter had a black eye and a super deep cut going across her thigh. I was any better. I had a cut going from my ear to chin.

  At least we were all together, and alive. But we still have more to do.

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