Sunday, April 15, 2012

We Use The Force -Rikki

  My sisters ran behind MON onto the bridge. I mouthed the word:"help."  All my sisters were studdering to afraid to speak. Then MON broke the silence. "If you do not tell me where all the money is from your little parents, then we will cut the rope that your sister is dangling from." He made a sinister smile, showing off his crooked teeth. A big, buff man stood next to me with a very large knife. I could tell that Hailey's mind was racing the fastest. I yelled at the man, "Don't you DARE touch me with those!" MON chuckled. "Unless your sisters confess, he will." MON already tried to make me tell him were the money was, but i refused. He then tied me up to this bridge. I saw Carter'smouth start to open. Carter and Alex exchanged looks of confesion. When they both opened their mouths I screamed "NO!"  When the rope was cut.  Lightning then struck. It looked just like the charm on my bracelet. It struck MON. But I was still falling. Then the water under me shot up and caught me. Then slowly took me down into the water. All my sisters screamed. I shouted up to them, "Get him!" MON was dangling over the man's back dazed. The man was running across the bridge. All of us exchanged looks. They're was a burning sensation in our eyes. Then the bridge collapsed. I quickly got on land and watched in amazment as MON and the man floated down stream. We all cheered.

    Later that evening, we were talking about the incident. Kailey blurted out, "We have magic!" Then Hailey aswered the comment, "No, stick to science. It was clearly not magic." Then I said, "I WAS DANGLING FROM A BRIDGE!!!" Carter laughed. It was the first time in weeks. It was good to see the light back in her eyes. Well, in everybodys eyes. Carter smiled then said, "It's time to go to bed." Alex yawned. "Then we will find a way to get back to the good ol' USA." Alex then slowly drifted off to sleep, along with the rest of us.
     When we woke up, we reliezed we were all laying around a tree. On the tree was something written: "Look with wide eyes, look in the old look in the new. Go back to a cabin, that we originally made for you. Newspaper walls with clues just for you. Go there for your next clue." We all looked at each other with wide eyes. "It's talking about the old abandoned cabin next to the creek we crossed on our way here!" Alex squeeled. "Now we only have to get back to America." I groaned.

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